Arab Health 2020
The Arab Health 2020 is being held at the Dubai world trade centre on Jan 27-30. MANTIZ has been a lot of attention by introduce PANTHER(3D printed cage), GADGET (MIS Percutaneous Screw System), QUATTRO, TieGER and STANPAD is also exhibited. Feel free to visit us at Za’abeel Hall 3 #Z3-D10.

2019 KOMISS Advanced Spinal Endoscopic Course
The 2019 KOMISS Advanced Spinal Endoscopic Course was held on Dec 7 in Eunpyeong St. Mary’s Hospital. Prior to OLIF launch, we changed the Cage display.

Symposium on the 59th Annual Meeting of the Korean Neurosurgical Society
Symposium on the 59th Annual Meeting of the Korean Neurosurgical Society was held on Oct 25-26, 2019 in Songdo Convensia.

The 10th ASIA SPINE 2019
The 10th ASIA SPINE 2019 was held on Sep 19-21, 2019 in Seoul. It was a great place to actually introduce the new instruments(ALIF), and it received a lot of attention and questions

PANTHER Presentation
Product presentation – PANTHER – Date : 2019. 07. 11. Place : WILTSE MEMORIAL Hospital (Anyang)

Symposium on the 14th Anniversary of Spine Hospital
Symposium on the 14th Anniversary of Spine Hospital was held on Sep 7(Sat), 2019 in Gangnam Severance hospital. For the more detail information of the products, you can find it in the tap “INTERBODY DEVICE”

PANTHER Presentation
Product presentation – PANTHER – Date : 2019. 06. 03. Place : Wooridul Spine Hospital (Busan) 발표 후, 간단한 질의시간 동안 진정성 있는 질문과 Cage에 대한 깊은 관심 감사드리며, 매우 의미있는 시간이었습니다! ⠀⠀⠀ 참석해주신 관계자분들께 다시 한 번 감사인사 드립니다 ‘◡’✿

2019 Korean Spinal Neurosurgery Society Samnam Symposium
The Korean Spinal Neurosurgery Society Samnam Symposium was held on June-1(Sat), 2019 at the Yeosu Expo Convention Center.

36th Spring Congress Korean Society of Spine Surgery
The 36th Spring Congress Korean Society of Spine Surgery was held on May 24(Fri)-25(Sat), 2019 in Gangneung Rakai Resort. It was a great place to actually introduce the new PANTHER(3D PRINTED CAGE), and it received a lot of attention and questions. For the more detail information of the products, you can find it in …

2018 KOMISS Symposium & Cadaver Workshop
2018 KOMISS Symposium & Cadaver workshop was held from May 26 to 27, 2018 in Severance Shinchon hospital. The surgeons part of OS or NS can meet various products and knowledge about MIS(Minimally Invasive Surgery) at the KOMISS(Korean Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Society). MANTIZ also participated in tooth exhibition by introducing GADGET(MIS Percutaneous Screw System) …

MANTIZ 2018 Kick-off Meeting
MANTIZ 2018 Kick-off meeting was held on 24 Feburary in Busan with the participation of all the employee. The Kick-off meeting has been a good chance to review the last year’s results and to remarks business key points. MANTIZ employee discussed strategy for the year ahead at the 2018 Kickoff Meeting. Congratulations to Salesperson of …

The 17th Yonsei College of Medicine Spine Symposium
17th Yonsei College of Medicine Spine Symposium was held on March 1, 2018 in Severance Gangnam Hospital. The products were presented by the booth exhibition and MANTIZ explained about the next new product for the GADGET MIS Percutaneous Screw System. For the more detail information of the products, you can find it in the tap “PRODUCT” …

2017 KOMISS International Symposium & Hands-on Cadaver Workshop
2017년 12월 1일부터 3일간 대한최소침습척추수술연구회(KOMISS)는 송도컨벤시아에서 “경피하(下) 내시경 척추수술”에 관한 국제 학술 심포지엄 및 카데바 워크숍을 개최 하였습니다. KOMISS 심포지엄은 국내외 척추 관련 전문의와 저명한 정형·신경외과 의료진들이 최소침습수술의 기술연구와 첨단 시술법에 대하여 다양한 의견을 교류할 수 있는 뜻 깊은 자리입니다. MANTIZ는 QUATTRO, TieGER, STANPAD와 내년 출시 예정인 GADGET(MIS Percutaneous Screw System)를 선보였으며, GADGET 만의 특징적인 장점으로 인해 많은 분들의 관심을 받았습니다. 앞으로도 국내외 척추시술 기술 발전과 의료수준을 더욱 높이기 …
STANPAD presentation in Fatima Daegu Hospital.
The STANPAD, the product of MANTIZ, introduced in on November 29 in Fatima Daegu Hospital. STANPAD’s benefit have got a lot of attention from the medical staffs in Fatima Daegu Hospital. For the more detail information of STANPAD, you can find it in the tap “PRODUCT” 2017년 11월 29일(수) 대구 파티마병원에서 STANPAD 제품설명회를 개최하였습니다. STANPAD는 카올린이 특수 코팅된 국소 지혈용 드레싱으로서, 출혈부위의 지혈효과를 촉진시키는 X-ray detectable Gauze 입니다. 카올린의 지혈작용은 여러 논문을 통해 이미 입증되어 있습니다. 바쁘신 와중에 시간을 내어 주신 파티마 관계자분들께 감사드립니다.

The Korean Nuerosurgical Society Daegu & Kyongbuk branch’s Training-Symposium
The Korean Nuerosurgical Society Daegu & Kyongbuk branch’s Training-Symposium was held on November 16 in Grand Hotel in Daegu. MANTIZ introduced various products in this symposium. Also, MANTIZ explained about the next new product for MIS Percutaneous Screw System For the more detail information of QUATTRO, you can find it in the tap “PRODUCT” 2017년 11월 16일(목) 대구 …

The 6th Spine Symposium & Cadever Workshop of Catholic Univ.
MANTIZ had exhibited in the 6th Spine Symposium & Cadaver Workshop of Catholic Univ. that held in October 28 this year in Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital. MANTIZ introduced their various products (QUATTRO, TieGER and STANPAD) in this symposium. There was a furry of interest in MANTIZ’s products that has manufacturing system from professors of NS …

Launch of Top to Tip Quad-lead (TTQ) spinal pedicle screw
1st Asia Pacific Spine Study Meeting held on June 10 in Severance Hospital. QUATTRO presented by the booth exhibition and introduction session. At this event, QUATTRO’s unique feature and benefit have got a lot of attention from the attendee. For the more detail information of QUATTRO, you can find it in the tap “PRODUCT”

Unveiled MANTIZ’s new product in 1st Asia Pacific Spine Study Meeting
The 1st Asia Pacific Spine Study Meeting was held on June 10 in Severance Hospital attending over 20 participants from China, Japan, and Korea. Part of MANTIZ’s another new product plan has been unveiled through Dr. Park’s presentation. Dr. Park proposed the clinical evaluation study of 3D cages at this meeting. And he explained about …

Clinical experience sharing of TieGER in The Korean Neurosurgical Society Symposium
Clinical experience sharing of TieGER in The Korean Neurosurgical Society Symposium Last 15, April, At the Songdo Convention Center in Incheon, the Korean Neurosurgical Society held the 2017 spring symposium. In this reputable regular symposium, Dr. Lee gave a speech about surgical outcome of TieGER, our interspinous fusion device, in patients with traumatic vertebral body …

MANTIZ Job training program: Special lecture
The employees of MANTIZ had a training for their understanding of the product use environment. A guest speaker Mr. SS Park, has lots of expert knowledge in surgery fields, gave a special lecture on Spine surgery using various images and videos. This special lecture was conducted in Seoul MANTIZ office at 18 April 2017 for …

The 1st Spinal Neurosurgery Symposium of Busan-Ulsan-Kyungnam branch
We introduced STANPAD and our innovative upcoming products at the very first Spinal Neurosurgery Symposium of Busan-Ulsan-Kyungnam branch. Most of the visitors were excited about our new technology of upcoming products. The symposium was held on February 25th at Busan University Hospital.

MANTIZ 2017 Kick-off Meeting
MANTIZ 2017 Kick-off meeting was held on 18 Feburary in Busan with the participation of all the employee and special guests. The kick-off meeting has been a good chance to consolidate the system and to remarks business key points. MANTIZ employee celebrated successes and discussed strategy for the year ahead at the 2017 Kickoff Meeting. …

The 3rd Symposium of Musculoskeletal Research Association
The 3rd Symposium of Musculoskeletal Research Association was held on February 4th at Kyungbuk University Hospital. Through providing hands-on workshop of diagnostic ultrasonography technique, participants were happy with practical symposium program. We displayed our products and many visitors were interested in our hemostatic gauze, STANPAD. As a result of the symposium, we expect that STANPAD could …