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PANTHER Presentation


PANTHER Presentation

Product presentation   – PANTHER –


Date : 2019. 06. 03.

Place : Wooridul Spine Hospital (Busan)


발표 후, 간단한 질의시간 동안

진정성 있는 질문과 Cage에 대한 깊은 관심 감사드리며, 매우 의미있는 시간이었습니다!


참석해주신 관계자분들께 다시 한 번 감사인사 드립니다  ‘◡’✿


36th Spring Congress Korean Society of Spine Surgery


36th Spring Congress Korean Society of Spine Surgery


The 36th Spring Congress Korean Society of Spine Surgery was held on May 24(Fri)-25(Sat), 2019 in Gangneung Rakai Resort.

It was a great place to actually introduce the new PANTHER(3D PRINTED CAGE), and it received a lot of attention and questions.

For the more detail information of the products, you can find it in the tap “INTERBODY DEVICE”


2018 KOMISS Symposium & Cadaver Workshop


2018 KOMISS Symposium & Cadaver Workshop

2018 KOMISS Symposium & Cadaver workshop was held from May 26 to 27, 2018 in Severance Shinchon hospital. The surgeons part of OS or NS can meet various products and knowledge about MIS(Minimally Invasive Surgery) at the KOMISS(Korean Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Society).

MANTIZ also participated in tooth exhibition by introducing GADGET(MIS Percutaneous Screw System) and PANTHER(3D Printed Cage) product that corresponds to KOMISS Symposium